Nurses Experience Needlestick Injuries

Nurses Experience Needlestick Injuries

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Healthcare workers must voice their concerns about products that may increase the incidence of needlesticks. Infusion products like the Evenity syringe needle place healthcare workers at risk. The incorporation of widely available safety needle…
cost of nsis

Needlestick injuries: Incidence and Cost

The study explores the cost of NSIs (needlestick injuries) in the U.S. which can range significantly, particularly with and without the use of safety devices. Additionally, there are many other costs including litigation that exceed current…

2019 ASNM ASET Presentations Reducing Accidental Needlesticks During IOM Procedures

Reducing Accidental Needlesticks during IOM Procedures Author: Grace Padilla-Kastenberg1 , MPH, Brent Tyler2 , MD, CNIM Marea Enterprises1 and Beacon Monitoring2 Intro & Problem Accidental needlesticks continue to present a serious…

Effective Strategy Reducing Accidental Needlestick Injuries IONM Procedures Case Study 2019

An Effective Strategy for Reducing Accidental Needlestick Injuries During Intraoperative Neuro Monitoring Procedures: Case Study Grace Padilla-Kastenberg, MPH, Brent Tyler, MD, CNIM ABSTRACT Injuries incurred by accidental needlesticks continue…

Venous Needle Dislodgement Dialysis Clinic Settings

A Compilation of Best Practices and Prevention Venous needle dislodgement (VND) occurs when a venous needle dislodges from a patient’s vascular access during hemodialysis treatment. It causes significant problems for the patient and can…

Marea Needlestick Safety Protocol Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring

A recommended universal protocol for preventing needlesticks to all allied healthcare workers in perioperative settings where intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring with subdermal needle electrodes is performed. AUTHORED BY MAREA ENTERPRISES…